Thursday, March 3, 2011

On the Origin of Easter and Chocolate

For the secular individual, Easter has long been synonymous with chocolate, dying Easter eggs, and jelly beans rather than the resurrection of Christ. But how did this most sacred Christian holiday become the second highest top selling candy holiday of the year?

It goes back to the pagan belief that eggs produced fertility and re-birth. By the 1800's, Christians had adopted the symbol of the egg as part of the Easter festivities, representing the resurrection of Christ following His crucifixion. The use of eggs as symbolism evolved into gifts of chocolate dates back to the 19th century in Europe, according to eHow. A tradition of giving chocolate eggs as gifts developed; a tradition which quickly spread through the rest of the world. According to Sharon Cacho in the “History of Chocolate and Easter”, the Easter egg was well recognized and quite customary by the 1960s, and from there other versions of Easter candy and other Easter novelty items were created, such as the Peeps that are so well-loved and are a staple in most Easter baskets.

And that is a short history lesson on the origin of Easter and chocolate. Looking for away to spruce up your Easter candy? Visit Treasured Sweets and purchase some great personalized candy bar wrappers that will be a hit at any Easter gathering.

This was researched and written by my lovely daughter, Jennifer Bowman. Thank you Jenn!

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